Amsterdam Guitar Heaven 2022 - Save the date!

The date for Amsterdam Guitar Heaven has also been announced: November 26, 2022. Of course we will be there again!

Q-Factory, Atlantisplein 1, 1093 NE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
When: Saturday 26th November 2022

About the Show
The Amsterdam Guitar Heaven (formerly known as the Guitar Matrix Guitarist Education Event) will take place in the Q-Factory! The event is organized by Guitar Matrix, Gitarist, De Bassist, Gitaarschool Nederland and EGTA. This event is a combination of a workshop festival and a bass and guitar show! At the event, you can attend clinics, mini-concerts, workshops, presentations and panels. In the evening visitors can enjoy live concerts. You will find information stands in the foyer. Everything with the focus on learning to play the guitar better! During the day, there will be a Gearshow Guitar & Bass in the Grote Zaal (Big Hall) and workshops guitar and bass in the rest of the building. In the evening there will be a a show by the AGH band with top guitarists and bassists.

Batch 2Martine Lievers